Monday, December 27, 2004

letter home

hello to all
thank you all for your emails and phone calls, i have really appreciated it. the past two days have been really surreal in this part of the world. before i go any further...i am ok. on safe ground, not near th beach, on the good side of the island, and i am alright.

i dont know what is going on in the news in the west, so i will sum things up the best i can.
on sunday morning, off the short of sumatra a 9.0 magnitude earhquake basically parted the seas and created a 100km gap in the ocean. this gap was filled with water, and then, as physics works...the water then had to come out again, and did so in the form of energy spreading all over south east asia. how does this affect me? well, get a map. i am in phuket, the biggest island on the west coast of thailand...basically directly above sumatra. this earthquake sent a tital wave 10m high to the west coast of phuket (where all of the beaches, tourists here for christmas, and fisherman are...) and basically raped the land of objects, cars, and people. the major town here, patong has been totally destroyed. it is so surreal.

the earthquake could be felt here. i was in bed on saturday night and i felt something shake. after christmas festivities i thought i was just imagining things...and then i woke my boyfriend up to see if it was him. he doesn't remember this...but i do. i didn't think anything of it. my bed was shaking...not a lot, but enough to wake me up. i went back to sleep and it wasn't until we turned on the enws later that day that we realized what had happened. upon later inspection rin noticed that the walls of my apt had hairline fractures all over. thank god i am moving out on friday.

school is closed today, and it's really hard. the hospitals are full of foreigners and thais and on the news there are simply shots of bodies and bodies and bodies covered in blankets, dead. people are still being taken to hospitals, helicopters and sirens going nonstop for the past 36 hours. i still can't get in touch with some poeple, but i am hopin that they are alright. no one in thailand has landlines, and the mobile lines are all wonky...i can't even begin to think where we are going to start to bgin to pick up the pieces. tourism is shot, the beaches are no more, and most importantly...people have lost everything. everything. no insurance, no money. happy new year!

at any rate, things are bizarre here. i have been rying to get in touch with people and to keep out of harm's way. i think rin and i will go to one of the smaller beaches today to see what is there and what can be done.
anyway, thanks again for contacting me, and know i am alright, just shaken. not something you really want to have to go through

merry christmas and happy new year to all, and please check out my blog in the next few days, and i will be posting updates and possibly, photos.

much love to all
gros bisous

love heather

if you want to give me a call please do so...


the woods are lovely dark and deep
but i have promises to keep
and miles to go before i sleep
and miles to go before i sleep...


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