Tuesday, December 14, 2004

taking a personal day, on the brink of disaster

for the third time in seven weeks i took the day off work yesterday. being sick is really no fun...i think sick days would be so much more beneficial if we were actually healthy when we didn't have to work. so much more would be accomplished this way.

frodo spent the night at my place last night (sweet little white puppy...). i know it is just a puppy, but looking after a small little capsule of life sure is vigorating. giving him a bath took about two hours, and i ended up giving myself one at the same time. brushing, watching, feeding, cleaning up pee...oh the joys of motherhood! but when he looks at me with trusting eyes knowing i am the one who can protect him from the big bad world i feel so proud.

we went to see smiles at work, and for a moment, when he had frodo in his arms and gave me a kiss on the cheek...the lighting was just right, the only thing i could think was 'je t'aime.'

thank god the moment passed before those pesky words made their way to my lips.

what the hell was i thinking?

he stopped by after work for a few minutes, and again, in the glow of the little twinkle lights above my bed i felt it. thank god i was coughing and couldn't quite talk. mazal tav to the flu!

this has to stop happening. he has to start being a jerk again. things are easier when i have reasons to complain about him.

what an asshole.


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