Saturday, December 04, 2004

fat kids in penguin suits: welcome to december in thailand

for the past twenty two years decembers have always been a very warm month to me. while outside it has always been chilly, snowy, miserable and cold, the feeling in my heart has always been quite warm. being able to see my family at christmas, my mother and two brothers' birthdays, finishing exams, going home, wearing sweaters, knitting by the fire, smelling the cold on my father when he comes home from work.

but here in amazing thailand, things seem to work a little differently. today, for example...on a ride back from the beach on my motorbike, going 70km/hr, i was sweating like a hoore in church. breeze in my face and sweat everywhere. why? because today, it is 37 degrees. add in the sun, pollution and humidity, and...well...slightly different story from canadian and new england december tranquility.

i am in no way shape or form looking forward to spending christmas here. my mother sent me an advent calendar last week, and when i opened it i began to cry. not only was this a slap in the face that christmas will come, even if i am not there to welcome it in, but the chocolate was melted and messy and invited an entire colony of ants to inhabit my apartment, making christmas that much more fucking miserable. i am the christmas cheerleader if there ever was one. christmas has been so full of tradition and magic since i was a baby. a time when my family is all together and relaxed and all able to take time to do nothing together. this year, i will be in a bar, with some ladyboy dressed up like santa, fat kids in penguin suits, drowning my sorrows amongst a group of thais chilling in santa's grotto.

i can't wait.

*insert small small violin music here.*


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