Monday, May 09, 2005

back, and here to stay

oye oye oye. Dropped of the map for a week or so, but back in action. Upon reflection in our new place, Rin and I decided it would be best if we went to get some of our stuff from his mum's in Lang Suan. Another week in the jungle, I am beginning to find that place to be more like home than Bangkok. Since moving here I think we have spent more time in the woods than out of them. Nice, natural, 'sabai sabai', cheap, but little dull after a while. I would look forwad to having to do laundry from the well, to give me something to do. After hanging the clothes on the line I would go out to check every twenty minutes to see if they were dry, secretly hoping they weren't, so I would have something to do in another twenty mnutes.

And so we arrived back here last Thursday night after another daunting train ride, to a home of our own, cool air, a nice view, new sheets, and a new lease on life. (Perhaps a little dramatic?) It's nice to finally be out of the brothel hell we were living in, or sleeping on the floor of this airport, or this Isarn man's room. And, our touring being finished, I will soon be living with a fully employed boyfriend! Three cheers for that!

Back at school, making lesson plans. Basically, the way Thai schools work, they don't need us (farangs) in this week, but the Thais have to be here to eat Som Tam and watch game shows, (who knows what else they do...) and so we have to be in school to show our faces. So far today I have completed the following:

-wrote seven emails, one of which to myself so I would have something to look at in my inbox later
-refreshed my blog eleven tims to watch the stat counter increase
-went to the bathroom
-made coffee
-after drinking half the cup, noticed it was full of ants, threw it out, made more (to pass the time.) this was three hours ago. still have not touched it.
-looked at cell phones online
-looked through my blog archives
-did a google search on my older brother. The results are as follows. None of whom are actually my brother.)
-upon looking at Google, noticed I missed Mother's Day, and wrote an email to my mother including both the words 'shit' and 'fuck.' (Showing my sorrow or forgetting the day, as it is not the same in Thailand.)
-read the email I wrote to myself.
-had a meeting with the Anuban teachers. They liked my new red shirt.
-looked through the new books for this year, making sure the page numbers were correct, incase the publisher made a mistake (this would allow me to write an email, thus taking up more time.)
-refreshed my inbox and blog, seeing which was faster. The inbox won.
-went to lunch. Had grilled chicken and garlic on rice with a fried egg and pepsi. (They were out of coke...) Discussed where everyone went on holiady. I think I win the most boring holiday competition. (Well, maybe second. One teacher stayed in Bangkok, and all he had to show for himself was a river taxi ride. "I'd never done that before." Been in Bangkok for a year and a half.)
-played in the soi, talking more about having a Thai-significant-other (our topic of choice most days.)
-was told I am famous in this area, as one teacher went home to find his wife talking about the farang woman she saw with a Thai boyfriend. The teacher said I taught here, and now, I am famous.
-looked at photos from the exciting vacations I didn't go on last week.
-refreshed my blog
-turned on two computers in the computer lab to see which was faster, the faster one would be my new friend. -this computer won, and now I sit here writing.

Shortly I will refresh my inbox, publish my blog, go back to my office, get my bag, go sign out, hail a motorbike taxi, and wobble sitting side saddle with sandals and a skirt, trying to weave my way back to my new home.

More excting adventures to come tomorrow.


Blogger Maria Cristina said...

I drank ants too the other day. They were in my tea and I didnt notice until I looked at the spoon that I was stirring my tea with. :P Maybe they were "sugar ants" sweetening my tea.

6:32 AM  

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