Friday, October 15, 2004

things that have shocked, scared, amazed, tired, or made my stomach all wonky since i have returned to the west...

-sooooooooooooooo many white people!

-how groups of people who travel in large groups seem to drop in invidivual iq about 30 points (airport observation, mostly in new york)

-skin, when not protected by a tropical climate, needs lotion. lots of it.

-in restaurants in north america, one receives enough food to feed a thai family for a week. and then, when not finished, one asks for a box for the unfinished food and proceeds to order dessert

-driving is increasingly difficult when the rules are actually enforced

-just because it is on sale doesn't mean it is cheap

-cheese does a number on your stomach when you haven't eaten it in six months

-mom's brownies are better now. absence makes the heart grow fonder

-my mind is occupied with how to put my family in a box so they can come back with me

-i have seriously been considering how long i want to stay in thailand now. being here, i miss my family so much

-problems seem so small from here. you want to move to spain with my boyfriend? why not? i have free baileys and clothes that are fuzzy and fit.

-the smell of cigarettes in the cold is enough to make me want to quit

-people here don't know how lucky they are to have all the comforts they have. to not even have to think that there might not be a toilet that that's charm

-new england is possibly the mose beautiful place on earth, (well, that and phuket)

-did you know in autumn the leaves change colors? oh the things i was beginning to forget

-my mum will always smell the same. why can't they bottle that?

-my brother, six years my junior is now 6'2". compared to my 5'6", he is a monster. i enjoy hugging him

-knives are a useless piece of silverware. give me a spoon and a fork, i can do anything

-book stores make me horny

-everything works here! it's amazing! no broken anything! (except hearts and wallets...of course.)

-i think i will be ready to go back after my two week holiday here. but for now, it is making me smile so much it hurts


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